Editorial Policy

At LRB Hawaii, we are committed to providing accurate, balanced, and trustworthy news and information. Our editorial policy outlines our guiding principles and the processes we follow to ensure that our content meets the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

1. Editorial Independence

Our editorial team operates independently of any commercial or political influence. We are dedicated to upholding editorial freedom to ensure that our news coverage and content are free from bias, pressure, or influence from external parties. Our mission is to serve the public interest by providing unbiased and comprehensive information.

2. Accuracy and Verification

We strive to deliver news that is accurate, verified, and fair. Our team diligently checks facts, verifies sources, and cross-references information before publishing any content. We make every effort to provide reliable information, and if errors occur, we promptly correct them and acknowledge the mistake.

3. Fairness and Balance

We are committed to presenting different perspectives and ensuring balanced coverage of all issues. We strive to give all relevant parties an opportunity to share their side of the story, especially in controversial or complex matters. We aim to provide a comprehensive view of events, avoiding any favoritism or discrimination.

4. Editorial Transparency

Our editorial processes are transparent, and we are accountable to our readers. We openly communicate our sources when possible and provide context to help our audience understand the background and relevance of the information we publish.

5. Corrections and Feedback

If you find any inaccuracies or issues with our content, we encourage you to bring them to our attention. We value reader feedback and take all comments seriously. When necessary, we make corrections promptly and clearly indicate any updates made to our articles. To report any inaccuracies, please email us at contact@lrbhawaii.org.

6. Sourcing and Attribution

We prioritize original reporting and take care to properly attribute information obtained from third-party sources. When using content from other news organizations or research institutions, we provide full credit to the original source and include proper citations.

7. Handling Sensitive Content

Our editorial team takes great care when handling sensitive topics, such as those involving trauma, tragedy, or personal privacy. We ensure that our reporting is handled with sensitivity, empathy, and respect for those involved. We avoid sensationalism and seek to provide valuable context to help readers understand complex and difficult subjects.

8. Editorial Team

Our editorial team is made up of experienced journalists and writers who are passionate about delivering quality content. They adhere to the core principles of journalism, including accuracy, accountability, and fairness, to provide our readers with reliable and informative news coverage.

9. Sponsored Content

We may publish sponsored content or advertising on our website. Such content will always be clearly labeled as “Sponsored” or “Advertisement” to ensure transparency. Sponsored content does not influence our editorial decisions or coverage.

Contact Us
We value your input and welcome any questions or feedback regarding our editorial policy. Please feel free to reach out to us at contact@lrbhawaii.org.